I. Esmail, et al. Engineered Net Shaping of Alumina using Picosecond Laser, Optics and Laser Technology (2020) DOI: 10.1016/j.optlastec.2020.106669.
H. Yazdani Sarvestani, D.A.V. Egmond, M. Genest, I. Esmail, C. Paquet, B. Ashrafi, Bioinspired stochastic design: tough and stiff ceramic systems, Advanced Functional Materials.
H. Yazdani Sarvestani, I. Esmail, Z. Katz, D. Backman, B. Ashrafi, Interlocking design, programmable laser manufacturing and testing for architectured ceramics, Scientific Reports.
​Picosecond Laser Surface/Deep Patterning of Alumina Ceramics, HY Sarvestani, W Amsellem, Z Katz, I Esmail, C Beausoleil, J Gholipour, Proceedings of the 61st Conference of Metallurists, COM 2022, 83
B. Ashrafi, I. Esmail, Q. Yang, M. Genest, J. Crodua, V. Pankov, Physical Vapour Deposition for LSP of CFRP, In Progress.
I. Esmail, H. Yazdani Sarvestani, B. Ashrafi, Bio-inspired Architectured Ceramics for Impact Shielding in Spacecraft, Ascension 2021 Space Conference
Esmail I., Crodua J., Jakubinek M., Martinez-Rubi Y., Ashrafi B., Lightning strike protection of CFRPs by Physical Vapour Deposition, 19th European Conference on Composite Materials (2020).
I. Esmail, A. Kumar, M. Brochu, Residual Stress Analysis of 3-D Printed Stainless Steel, SURE 2019 Poster Presentation Session